It’s a generated api from *.proto. IMHO, the files *.proto are more readable. And always more uptodate.

Protocol Documentation

Table of Contents




Field Type Label Description
id string required @check identifier (id) should be unique and invariant over a set of datas (eg: use uuid) and over time.
name string optional display name
duration float optional
clips Clip repeated


Bezier Params for a curve between P0(0, yp0) and P1(1, yp1) / y are in the same range that value of KeyPoints

Field Type Label Description
h0_x float optional x of handle of P0 in range [0,1]
h0_y float optional
h1_x float optional x of handle of P1 in range [0,1]
h1_y float optional


Field Type Label Description
transforms TransformKF optional
colors ColorKF optional


Field Type Label Description
r KeyPoints optional
g KeyPoints optional
b KeyPoints optional
a KeyPoints optional


Field Type Label Description
duration_ratio float repeated
value float repeated
interpolation KeyPoints.InterpolationFct repeated
bezier_params BezierParams repeated


Field Type Label Description
x KeyPoints optional
y KeyPoints optional
z KeyPoints optional
w KeyPoints optional


Field Type Label Description
translation Vec3KF optional
rotation QuaternionKF optional
scale Vec3KF optional


Field Type Label Description
x KeyPoints optional
y KeyPoints optional
z KeyPoints optional


Name Number Description
constant 1
linear 2
bezier 3




Field Type Label Description
name string required
vbool bool optional
vstring string optional
vfloat float optional
vint int32 optional
vvec2 Vec2 optional
vvec3 Vec3 optional
vvec4 Vec4 optional
vquat Quaternion optional
vmat4 Mat4 optional
vtexture Texture optional
vcolor Color optional


Field Type Label Description
id string required
params CustomParam repeated




Field Type Label Description
path string repeated a list of local folder path
register bool optional true => register path as a root folder for assets, false => unregister/remove path as a root folder
unregisterOther bool optional should try to unregister every other root folders for assets ?


Field Type Label Description
setEye SetEye optional use to define eye (the virtual camera used to render viewport)
setData Data optional use to set (add/update/merge) data into the scene, model, animation, …
deleteData DeleteData optional use to delete data from a scene, model, animation, …
changeAssetFolders ChangeAssetFolders optional use to delete data from a scene, model, animation, …


Field Type Label Description
refs string repeated the list of id of object to delete, including relation where the object is part of.
relations Relation repeated the list relation to delete, the object part of the relation can continue to exist.
all bool optional set to true to remove all Data


Field Type Label Description
location Vec3 required
rotation Quaternion required
projection Mat4 optional
near float optional
far float optional
projMode SetEye.ProjMode optional


Name Number Description
perspective 1
orthographic 2




Field Type Label Description
max float required for a distance max is in meter, for an angle attenuation max is in radian.
linear AttenuationLinear optional
smooth AttenuationSmooth optional
inverse AttenuationInverse optional
inverse_square AttenuationInverseSquare optional


Field Type Label Description
scale float optional
offset float optional
constant float optional
linear float optional


Field Type Label Description
scale float optional
offset float optional
constant float optional
linear float optional
quadratic float optional


Field Type Label Description
begin float optional
end float optional


Field Type Label Description
begin float optional
end float optional


Field Type Label Description
id string required @check identifier (id) should be unique and invariant over a set of datas (eg: use uuid) and over time.
transform Transform required
name string optional display name


Field Type Label Description
r float required
g float required
b float required
a float required


Field Type Label Description
version uint32 optional version of the protocol / data format. readonly !! (== the major of the xbuf project version)
relations Relation repeated
tobjects TObject repeated
geometries Geometry repeated
materials Material repeated
lights Light repeated
skeletons Skeleton repeated


Field Type Label Description
values float repeated
step uint32 required number of float per group/entry (eg 3 for vec3, 2 for texcoord,…). the length of values should be a multiple of step


Field Type Label Description
id string required @check identifier (id) should be unique and invariant over a set of datas (eg: use uuid) and over time.
meshes Mesh repeated
name string optional display name


Field Type Label Description
ints UintBuffer optional


the direction of the light need by directional and spot is Z (forward like regular Node). / To use an other direction add relation to a Node and change the rotation of the Node (idem for translation).

Field Type Label Description
id string required @check identifier (id) should be unique and invariant over a set of datas (eg: use uuid) and over time.
kind Light.Kind optional
color Color optional
intensity float optional
cast_shadow bool optional
radial_distance Attenuation optional attenuation from the radial distance of light source (for spot and point)
spot_angle Attenuation optional attenuation of the angle forme between the forward axis (z) and the direction of the point./ eg: for a linear attenuation linear.begin is the end of inner cone, linear.end is the end of outer cone : linear define the penumbra
name string optional display name


Field Type Label Description
c00 float required
c10 float required
c20 float required
c30 float required
c01 float required
c11 float required
c21 float required
c31 float required
c02 float required
c12 float required
c22 float required
c32 float required
c03 float required
c13 float required
c23 float required
c33 float required


Field Type Label Description
id string required @check identifier (id) should be unique and invariant over a set of datas (eg: use uuid) and over time.
family string optional
name string optional display name
shadeless bool optional
color Color optional
color_map Texture optional
opacity float optional @check range(0.0, 1.0)
opacity_map Texture optional
normal Vec3 optional
normal_map Texture optional
roughness float optional @check range(0.0, 1.0)
roughness_map Texture optional
metalness float optional @check range(0.0, 1.0)
metalness_map Texture optional
specular Color optional
specular_map Texture optional
specular_power float optional
specular_power_map Texture optional
emission Color optional
emission_map Texture optional


Field Type Label Description
id string required @check identifier (id) should be unique and invariant over a set of datas (eg: use uuid) and over time.
primitive Mesh.Primitive required
lod uint32 optional
vertexArrays VertexArray repeated @check every vertexArray should have the same number of elements (size / step)
indexArrays IndexArray repeated @check max value of every indexArray should be < number of elements of vertexArrays
name string optional display name


Quaternion should be normalized

Field Type Label Description
x float required
y float required
z float required
w float required


Define a Relation (edge, link) between two objects with an id / rules: / * typename of obj with id == ref1 < typename of obj with id == ref2 / * if typename of both obj is the same the relation if ref1 is the parent, ref2 is the child

Field Type Label Description
ref1 string required reference the id of object 1/@check ref1 != ref2
ref2 string required reference the id of object 1
label string optional mainly for description but often useless


Field Type Label Description
id string required @check identifier (id) should be unique and invariant over a set of datas (eg: use uuid) and over time.
name string optional display name
bones Bone repeated
bones_graph Relation repeated


Field Type Label Description
id string required @check identifier (id) should be unique and invariant over a set of datas (eg: use uuid) and over time.
transform Transform required
name string optional display name


Field Type Label Description
id string required
name string optional
rpath string optional path of the texture relative to asset root folder (use ‘/’ as folder separator)
tex2d Texture2DInline optional


Field Type Label Description
format Texture2DInline.Format required
width uint32 required
height uint32 required
data bytes required


Field Type Label Description
translation Vec3 required
rotation Quaternion required
scale Vec3 required


Field Type Label Description
values uint32 repeated
step uint32 required number of float per group/entry (eg 3 for vec3, 2 for texcoord,…). the length of values should be a multiple of step


Field Type Label Description
x float required
y float required


Field Type Label Description
x float required
y float required
z float required


Field Type Label Description
x float required
y float required
z float required
w float required


Field Type Label Description
attrib VertexArray.Attrib required
morph uint32 optional
floats FloatBuffer optional


Name Number Description
ambient 1
directional 2
point 3
spot 4


Name Number Description
points 1 "points" The mesh is composed of a set of independent points. The number of points is n, and point i is given by vertex i.
lines 2 "lines" The mesh is composed of a set of independent lines. The number of lines is n / 2 , and line i is composed of vertices 2i and 2i+1 .
line_strip 3 "line_strip" The mesh is composed of one or more line strips. The number of lines is n - 1 , and line i is composed of vertices i and i + 1 .
triangles 4 "triangles" The mesh is composed of a set of independent triangles. The number of triangles is n/3 , and triangle i is composed of vertices 3i , 3i + 1 , and 3i + 2.
triangle_strip 5 "triangle_strip" The mesh is composed of one or more triangle strips. The number of triangles is n - 2 , and triangle i is composed of vertices i, i + 1 , and i + 2 when i is even or vertices i, i + 2 , and i + 1 when i is odd, in the orders listed.


Name Number Description
rgb8 1
rgba8 2
bgra8 3


Name Number Description
position 1
normal 2
tangent 3
bitangent 4
color 5
texcoord 6
texcoord2 7
texcoord3 8
texcoord4 9
texcoord5 10
texcoord6 11
texcoord7 12
texcoord8 13
texcoord9 14

Scalar Value Types

.proto Type Notes C++ Type Java Type Python Type
double double double float
float float float float
int32 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. int32 int int
int64 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. int64 long int/long
uint32 Uses variable-length encoding. uint32 int int/long
uint64 Uses variable-length encoding. uint64 long int/long
sint32 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. int32 int int
sint64 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. int64 long int/long
fixed32 Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. uint32 int int
fixed64 Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. uint64 long int/long
sfixed32 Always four bytes. int32 int int
sfixed64 Always eight bytes. int64 long int/long
bool bool boolean boolean
string A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. string String str/unicode
bytes May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. string ByteString str